Crystals in The Brain and Ancient Navigation

Elvira Dawn
3 min readJan 7, 2021


Our brain is actually a giant, untapped crystal that is emitting frequencies and picking up frequencies that we no longer register. Could this be the reason some people have strange static or buzzing in their ears or some people can be more likely to experience Tinnitus? That’s an article for a later date however.

Here I want to discuss my latest delve into Magnetite in the brain and my foray into the science behind the Wim Hof method and how it could ignite our ancestral navigational skills.

What is Magnetite? It is one of the most magnetic of all naturally occurring minerals on earth; even more fascinating is that this mineral is found in our brains.

Magnetite has been found in other bacteria and animals and is felt to be largely responsible for permitting them excellent navigational skills.

In our human brains the area where the most magnetite can be found in our brains is in the brain stem, which is responsible for things like our heart rate, breathing, alertness, and our ability to sleep.

Mapping Magnetite in the Brain

You can see in this image the areas where the most magnetite is found in the brain.

Now where this gets really interesting is as I was reading in the book, “What Doesn’t Kill Us” by Scott Carney on the Wim Hof method, he shares the aspect that our ancestors had several primitive skills that they used to possess such as excellent navigational skills. Their were theories that may indicate we possessed magnetite in our nasal and eye bones, and studies ensued utilizing the use of magnets attached to one’s head to activate this dormant navigational tendency. However as shown in the imaging above, magnetite actually, or also, resides in our brain.

Now, the further aspect that I’m leading to is that Scott Carney is discussing these dormant ancestral traits simply as an example of how Wim Hof’s method to endure cold, ramp up the immune system, improve blood oxygenation etc. could also very well be activating our ancestral navigational skills as well.

Considering that breathing is largely controlled by the brain stem, which is where the Magnetite resides in the highest quantities, that by learning to “hack” our brain with Wim Hof’s breathing techniques (or to take back conscious control) could we also learn to tune into the frequency of this magnetite and harness it’s ancient power?

And why have we lost our navigational frequencies in the first place? Scott Carney further mentions how cab drivers in London had to memorize complex maps and learn how to navigate without the use of electronics. Researchers hooked up the cab drivers to MRI’s and discovered that the longer they drove cabs, the larger their hippocampus (the portion of the brain pertaining to memory) got, however once the cab drivers retired apparently it returned to normal size. So the basic theory is that with electronics we stopped needing to rely on that ancestral skill and therefore it became lost.

I wish to pose the question: With the advancement of electronics and the frequencies they express, did this actually short circuit our brain messing with the magnetite frequency in our brain?

If you want to take it even further and take a nose dive into conspiracy theorist wonderland, scientists have recognized that the earth’s magnetic field keeps shifting. There are also theories, proven by physics, that there could be other dimensions that exist. What if invisible planets in other dimensions is causing these pole shifts? And, what if this combination of churning magnetic fields, the mass amount of electronics and their off-putting vibrational frequencies, is even further short-circuiting our brain? What if it’s almost causing an amnesia of sorts, causing us to forget most of our brains true capabilities? Could this Wim Hof method be one of the ways to start restoring our ancient ancestral powers?



Elvira Dawn

Intuitive Reiki Master and Crystal Obsessed Hippy turning Science Nerd